Marfa, Texas

Marfa, Texas
Marfa was nothing short than a complete surprise. When I was last out in this country, Marfa was still unknown as the art community it had already become. To us, it was a small county seat out in the high desert, just one of those places to pass through to get down to the glories of Big Bend National Park. In fact, in the half dozen times I went to Big Bend in my youth, we never even went through there. [Read More]

Travel Catchup Post

Travel Catchup Post
Falling behind is always my terror in blogging. I’ll get busy, things come up and the next thing I know you I’m a couple of months behind on posts. I then feel overwhelmed with the amount of writing I have to do to get caught up mixed with guilt of not doing what I need to do. Then I just give up … Well, I don’t want to give up so soon, so in this case I’m going to have to make a compromise to keep this thing going. [Read More]

Lake Overholser Water Release

Lake Overholser Water Release
After 3 years of endless drought, we here in central Oklahoma at least, were with desperately needed rain. It’s gotten so extreme, that our city reservoirs must release water to prevent flooding. After a tip from my Mother, Grace and I took a little photo date down to the Lake Overholser Dam to catch some photos and videos of the water release. Now if we could get some more rain for western part of the state, things would be really looking good. [Read More]

Fusion Comfort Food

Fusion comfort food night with Rick Bayless' Salsa Mac and Cheese and Caribbean style Lime Chicken.

Fusion Comfort Food

Fusion comfort food night with Rick Bayless’ Salsa Mac and Cheese and Caribbean style Lime Chicken.