Travel Catchup Post

Travel Catchup Post
Falling behind is always my terror in blogging. I’ll get busy, things come up and the next thing I know you I’m a couple of months behind on posts. I then feel overwhelmed with the amount of writing I have to do to get caught up mixed with guilt of not doing what I need to do. Then I just give up … Well, I don’t want to give up so soon, so in this case I’m going to have to make a compromise to keep this thing going. [Read More]

Vacation at last . . .

Ah, vacation at last. It’s shocking how much work it takes to go on vacation. I’ve been frantically trying to tie up loose ends during this last week just for preparation for this short junket. Then when I get back, I’ll have a stack of other stuff to go through. Almost makes you wonder if taking these rounds of relaxation is more or less stressful than not taking them. Not really of course, but I do love to complain. [Read More]