Metro Cyclists Participate in Awareness Ride

I had really hoped to make it to last night’s Piedmont Cyclist Awareness Ride but the constraints of work just didn’t make it possible. Thankfully, dozens of other cyclists showed up to raise awareness of cyclists on our roads and to pay tribute to Gary Caldwell and Eric Johnson who were injured on this same road last week. The Piedmont-Surrey Gazette, which has followed the story closely, put together this video piece on the event: [Read More]

Request for Driver Attention Gets a Voice

Matt Reynolds, from the Bicycle Store, was interviewed on KOSU yesterday and, in my opinion, stated most clearly and concisely what we would all like to happen especially in light of our recent tragedies: Matt Reynolds, a cyclist and employee with the Bicycle Store in Oklahoma City, says he hopes this [the recent string of crashes] will help raise awareness for motorists to start paying attention to the road. “A bicycle is a reliable means of transportation and should be granted the same types of privileges and rights for safe operation as anybody else that’s on the road. [Read More]