Been Riding . . .

[caption id="" align=“alignright” width=“240” caption=“Photo By: Gino”][/caption] So unfortunately, it has been another long delay since I was last able to dedicate some time to the blog. At least this time I was able to spend some time during the last few months getting some great riding in, including a wonderful trip during this year’s Oklahoma Freewheel. There has been a lot of news in the last couple of months so please have some patience as I get caught up . [Read More]

All Work and No Play . . .

So, I know it’s been quiet around here lately and it’s my standard excuse; some big projects both work and personal have just been eating up my time and keeping me away from the blog. However, the schedule has opened up a bit and there has been a lot of exciting news lately including some very promising legislative updates. In any case, I’ll be catching up over the next week or so . [Read More]