Stillwater Forms Bicycle Committee

Stillwater has formed a standing bicycle committee in an attempt to improve their bicycle friendliness: Stillwater has taken another step toward becoming more cycle-friendly. The Stillwater Bicycle Committee was officially established Wednesday night, following the tradition of other bike-friendly communities across the nation. Jim Bruer, committee member and Oklahoma State University academic counselor, said this is a necessary step in promoting cycling in Stillwater. “One of the main things you need to be approved (as a bike-friendly community) is to have a cycling committee like this,” Bruer said. [Read More]

Bicycle Training this Weekend

Bicycle Training this Weekend
There is a cycling instruction course taking place this weekend, September 29th, from 9 AM to 3 PM at the Metrolake Technology Centers in Oklahoma City. From the course website: Who should take this class: Any adult bicyclist, novice or experienced, will benefit from learning vehicular bicycling skills. Most adults are already automobile drivers. This course will help you apply your driving skills to driving your bicycle. What you’ll learn: The principals of vehicular cycling. [Read More]

Oklahoma Climbs in Bicycle Friendliness Rankings

[flickr id=“4405514107” thumbnail=“medium” overlay=“true” size=“large” group="" align=“center”] The League of American Bicyclists has increased Oklahoma’s bicycle friendliness ranking from 43rd in 2011 to 35th this year. Even more impressive to note is that in 2008, Oklahoma was ranked 48th. According to the League, this steady improvement is due to increases in “infrastructure and funding that provide on-the-ground bicycle facilities; education and encourage programs that promote cycling; and passage and enforcement of bicycle-friendly laws that make it safe and comfortable for people of all ages to ride. [Read More]