A Digital Reboot

It’s with mixed emotions that I retire my home on the web for the last decade. When I purchased radicalwacko.com back in 2001, I was a young, aggressive Libertarian, who thought that he could and should change the world. In other words, I was an insufferable, young, recent college graduate that you wanted to avoid making eye contact with and save yourself from the pedantic lecture that would inevitably ensue. [Read More]

Reviving OKC Bicyclist

This site remains the project that I never seem to have enough time for and yet the project I don’t want to set aside. Over the last couple of months I’ve been missing this site more and more and trying to find the time to write. Then, at the beginning of the year, one of my favorite bike blogs (especially from a photography point of view), EcoVelo shut down. I decided I didn’t want OKC Bicyclist to vanish from sight without a strong push to keep the site going and to grow it into the real local cycling news site I’ve always wanted it to be. [Read More]