The Joy of Toil

Well, overall, it’s been one of those weeks. Very busy and little accomplished. However, occasionally, there are those days when the world falls into order. Today, work was a joy. I just couldn’t be stopped. There is nothing like the euphoria that comes from the act of creation.

There are those who say that work is something to be survived in order so that life can be lived. Maybe the mentality comes from the Bible and the story of the toil after the fall of man or some deep rooted duality that runs through most human through. However, on days like today, I believe that work is the definition of what it means to be man. There is no separation between work and the meaning of man. The notion of duality is the flaw in recognizing the reality of the world. The notion of two separate and distinct realities is not only a logical impossibility, but it also separates from the joy of being a part of the one, true and only reality. When a task is not enjoyable, we can be sure that this is not the human part of work. This is the activities of most of nature. This is an act of survival. Work however, is the act of creation. It is the act of celebration in being a part of reality. Work should always be done in pursuit of living life to the fullest.

Now, naturalists see no separation between the actions of animals and the actions of humans. To them, the consuming of food and the myriad of human actions are all of the same cloth. However, it is the ability to create, to reinvent the world and to see all of its possibilities is the wonderful gift of being man. This is the essence of work; it is the synthesis of all of the essences of man. To me this celebration is a thing that doesn’t happen often enough but I relish it when it does. Holding my breath that tomorrow is as good as today . . .

[Listening to: Hey Jude - The Beatles - Blue Album (1967-1970) Disc 1 (07:05)]