A Brief Delay

I guess everyone has noticed the conspicuous lack of posting of the Random Picture of the Day. Since my vacation in January I have to admit that I haven’t been feeling the photo bug as much. However, I’m getting back into it now. However, rather than rushing around snapping and putting up sub-standard work, I’m going to take a brief break from posting. I hope to start posting again in April. Additionally, I’m going to New Orleans in April which is always a photo rich environment. I’m also going to be taking a weeklong bicycle trek across Oklahoma in June as part of the Freewheel tour. It’s been many years since I last took this tour, but I’m really looking forward to it and I certainly will take many pictures. Until then, I’ll try to write more to fill the void.

Until then, here is the gallery for February. I hope you’ll wait till my triumphant visual return.