Well, I’ve finally done it. My old Toyota, Ruby, is really pushing well past her ability to keep up. She has been an excellent car and has earned her rest. So, this weekend I went up to the local Mini Cooper dealership and ordered myself a brand new Yellow and White Mini Cooper S with exactly what I wanted. Downside to this approach is that I now have to wait 8-9 weeks to get my new toy and I’m not good with prolonged gratification. However, Mini provides a cool tool on their website that let’s me see exactly where my new baby is in the production process. Since I know you are all as excited as I am, I’m including this status at the bottom of each post so you can keep track along with me. Keep your fingers crossed that Ruby can make it just a bit longer. ;)
Finally, following along with a long tradition of naming your Mini before she’s born, my new Cooper will be named “Dominique”.
[Listening to: Muriel - Tom Waits - Foreign Affairs (03:33)] Mini Cooper Status: On Order