The Era of Flickr is Upon Us

It is always sad when it comes time to kill code that you worked hard to create.  When I first built the galleries here on RadicalWacko, gallery code libraries were cumbersome and services like Flickr were nothing more that a gleam in the eye of some entrepreneurs.  However times change and it’s good to try to keep up with them.  I was spending a large amount of time (something that is in very short supply these days) updating my galleries with new pictures.  The entire system was pretty slick for a custom built job, but still it took to many steps to get stuff published. 

So, I started to look for alternatives.  I found a great plugin for Wordpress called FAlbum that will build custom gallery pages from your Flickr library.  I spent an hour this evening messing around with it and now have a system ready to go.  The layout isn’t perfect, but that will have to wait till some of that elusive time stuff becomes availible.  However, I hope you will find the features that have been added more than make up for the less that perfect look.  Please update your links to point to the new galleries and let me know what you think.

Technorati Tags : Flickr, Galleries, Wordpress