New Blog of Note

My friend Peter, owner of, has a new blog called where he will post about all things religious and specifically Catholic.  My own nasty opinions on religion aside, Peter is a thoughtful and contemplative man of faith who practices Christianity without the stink of irony so common today.  It should be a good read and something to add to your blog rolls.

He's at it Again

Joel of Joel on Software has another fabulous article out on his website, this time on software pricing. It’s well worth a read even if you could care less about pricing because he’s a pretty funny guy when it comes down to it. For example: I’m going to start with a little economic theory, then I’m going to tear the theory to bits, and when I’m finished, you’ll know a lot more about pricing and you still won’t know how much to charge for your software, but that’s just the nature of pricing. [Read More]

Comment Moderation

Well, I have received almost 25 entries of comment spam today. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to deal with cleaning out these entries. So I’m sorry to regret that until further notice, comment moderation has been turned on for all comments on the site. Sorry, I hate to do this but they’ve left me no choice.

Sad News

One of America’s greatest leaders and the only Republican in recent history that I would have voted for, Ronald Reagan died today at the age of 93. Your wisdom and political astuteness will and has already been missed.

Dominique is one step closer to home

Checked the Mini website today. Dominique’s status has been changed from “On Order” to “Scheduled for Production” which apparently means that she is lined up for production or that she’s already in the factory. You can’t really tell. I’ll give the dealership a call to see if they can give me a more exact production date. [Listening to: You Never Even Call Me By My Name - Steve Goodman - Artistic Hair (04:05)] [Read More]

New Toy

Well, I’ve finally done it. My old Toyota, Ruby, is really pushing well past her ability to keep up. She has been an excellent car and has earned her rest. So, this weekend I went up to the local Mini Cooper dealership and ordered myself a brand new Yellow and White Mini Cooper S with exactly what I wanted. Downside to this approach is that I now have to wait 8-9 weeks to get my new toy and I’m not good with prolonged gratification. [Read More]

Vacation at an End

Well, I guess it’s obvious that I survived New Orleans despite my lack of posting during my stay. Coherent thought is not one of the common experiences of the Big Easy and I thought my delirious ramblings might not be the best reflection of my intellect to my faithful readers. However, it is safe to say that a good time was had. We saw some great acts, drank more than necessary and ate fabulous meals. [Read More]

I'm alive, I promise

Ok, Ok, I’m sorry, what else can I say? It seems that my readership is on the verge of revolt. Well, I might be exaggerating a bit, but my lack of posting seems to have raised the ire of some of you out there. Unfortunately, I don’t have all that much to say. I spent all last week doing interviews for the two positions I have open right now. This meant a lot of late nights in order to get my regular work done. [Read More]