Moving through my neighborhood! Nothing yet. Still blogging!


Damn, I got another one passing over my parents!


About 1 mile away. Still nothing here.


Power just flashed. Trying to post, don’t know if I can get through! Looks like it has passed over. Haven’t gone out yet, I think I might have a broken window, a lot of sound outside. Wireless network still working!


Electricity just flashed again, but power is hanging on. Televsion station just got knocked out. Oh, here it is again and off again. Lightining everywhere. Still here. Looks like I’m safe but I’m going to wait until it’s out of the county.


OK, coast seems clear, going to check the damage.


Well, looks like the apartment is safe and sound and the storm is past. Well, that was too close for comfort. I miss having to worry about heavy snow. But seriously, safe and sound and so are the parents. Another one passed and I’m thankful it’s gone. The tree’s outside are missing a lot of leaves but outside of that, everything’s ok. Looks like it passed about 4 blocks away, can’t see any damage, probably will see some tomorrow. [Read More]


Sorry I’ve been posting so little the last few days, but I am hopeful the down time will be good in the long term. I am working on a rather massive rant about where individual rights come from and more specifically, who does my knowledge belong to. This all got started from a wonderful debate going on between myself and my friend Steve. We’ll see how it all turns out. [Read More]


Here is the final gallery from my New Orleans vacation. The first part contains pictures of a serious Gin game (primarily taken by my good friend Rob). The rest are more night scenes of a city filled with characters. Let me know what ya’ think. [Read More]


Sorry about the delay on the galleries, but ‘sobering up’ time took precedence over website updates. I just got back into town after the twelve hour drive, so only one gallery tonight. I’ll post the final gallery tomorrow night. Let me know what you think . . . [Read More]