A friend just sent this comparison to me and though I can’t vouch for it’s total honesty, it seems pretty close to me: Price of Gas: You Think A Gallon Of Gas Is Expensive? Makes one think, and puts things in perspective. Diet Snapple 16 oz $1.29 $10.32 per gallon Lipton Ice Tea 16 oz $1.19 $ 9.52 per gallon Gatorade 20 oz $1.59 $10.17 per gallon Ocean Spray 16 oz $1. [Read More]


Well this is sad news. It looks like Corel is on its last leg. Good bye to an old friend.


Roger Doger

Rating: 5 out of 5 This movie is excellent. This movie is also excruciating. This raw and edgy filmmaking that makes you laugh and wince at the same time. While watching this movie, you have this desire to escape the situation but can’t help but to see what happens next. This is the story of Roger (Campbell Scott), an advertising writer with an incomparable wit and abundant ego. Roger is that type of guy that we all know (and secretly think we want to be). [Read More]

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Rating: 3 out of 5 I have to admit that I haven’t read any of the amazingly popular novel’s from which this movie came. However, after viewing this film, I am certainly tempted to do so. While this film is certainly designed for the preadolescent market, it has those necessary hooks to keep even the most hardened realist of an adult interested. Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) is a young wizard, who after his parents were killed, was left with his mean and un-magical, aunt, uncle and bratty cousin who force him to live under the stairs. [Read More]


I got interviewed this afternoon on the local ABC radio affiliate, KTOK. They must just hate it when the get a radial wacko for a man on the street interview. :)


Looks like we in Oklahoma might start treating marijuana with only a modicum of insanity. A bill in the house to treat possession of a ounce or less of pot as a misdemeanor punishable by a fine, has been allowed out of committee and is headed to the full house. The following appeared in today?s Daily Oklahoman: Lawmakers’ plans to decriminalize marijuana possession may not be up in smoke yet. [Read More]


With the Oscar’s finally out of the way, the really important awards have come out: The Golden Raspberry Awards which have been awarding the worst achievements in film for 23 years. This year Madonna and hubby Guy Richie almost sweep the awards with their remake of Swept Away, but worst actor was awarded, sadly, to Roberto Benigni for his miscalculated performance in Pinocchio.

The Lady from Shanghai

Rating: 4 out of 5 Like most good Orson Welles’ films, attempting to diagnose the plot of the film can be a daunting task, but I’ll give it my best effort. Orson Welles plays Michael O’Hara, an Irish sailor who meets the lovely and dangerous Elsa Bannister (Rita Hayworth) during a mugging in Central Park. Elsa recruits Michael to serve on her husband’s yacht on a cruise through the South Seas. [Read More]