Vehicular Cycling Video

Here’s a wonderful video on the basics of “vehicular cycling”.  If you are going to be out there on the roads, especially here in OKC where you will be a rarity on the road, this kind of knowledge is critical for getting around safely . . .

Hosting Recommendation

For many years now, I’ve been using webhost4life as the hosting company for my various websites. When I signed up they offered really top notch service and a reasonable price (especially for .NET hosting, which I was primarily using at the time). However, over the last year or so, their service has become increasingly unreliable and even at the best of times, extremely slow. Earlier this week, this site went down unexpectedly. [Read More]

Freewheel 2010 Gallery

So after a break of 16 years, I hopped on the bike and headed out on Freewheel, Oklahoma’s cross state bicycle tour. I probably should have trained some for the ride because the first several days took a lot out of me and for the first time I came short by 30 miles one day. However, the ride was beautiful and by the end I was feeling top notch. I didn’t shoot much, but below are some pictures from the trip . [Read More]

New Gallery

I needed a little break from all the craziness and I hadn’t posted any pics in awhile, so here is a tiny little gallery of some pictures from last year’s blizzard.

[gallery link=“file” columns=“4” orderby=“post_date”]

It All Must Go!

There comes a time in every man’s life when he is asked to shave his head for a good cause. While some might hesitate from such a challenge, a proud few refuse to shirk from the cause. Inspired by my friend Dustin, this year, at 2:00 PM on March 28th at VZD’s, I will be shaving my head in support of the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. That’s right, all fur must go! [Read More]

The Perversion of Avatar

I’m having a difficult time remembering a film that has incensed me as much as James Cameron’s latest effort, Avatar. I have never had a great deal of respect for Cameron’s work, the first two Terminator films exempted. In fact, his greatest commercial success, Titanic, has always been one of my most despised films. However, with Avatar, Cameron has truly done something monstrous. I know there have been several complaints about this film that have been floating around, the small controversies about the notions of racial loyalty, the white man’s savior complex and Sigourney Weaver’s incessant smoking. [Read More]

A New Year Dawns Again

I know I haven’t really posted on here in over a year. Its been a strange year for me and I don’t know that I’ve absorbed it all yet. Because of this, I haven’t felt any strong urge to spill my soul in words. But a new year is always a time of reflection, a time to look back and see what you loved and lost during a period of time. [Read More]