Police State Toys

41Wt477VzNL.SL500_AA265 Apparently, toy maker Playmobil thinks there’s a burgeoning market in toys for a police state including this roadblock setup.  According to the description, they have stop signs, maps and pistols.  Of course, if they were really going to do this right, I think they need black cloth bags, zip cuffs and truncheons.  Via Hit n’ Run.

Seeking Suggestions for Reading Web.Config

I recently had a task in one of my current projects that required me to extract the authentication mode of the current solution’s web.config file. The only was I figured out how to do it was by parsing the XML of the file by hand as shown below (Yeah, I know, it’s VB.NET. I do what the client wants.): Dim config As New System.Xml.XmlDocument() config.Load(Server.MapPath(“Web.config”)) Dim authMode As System.Xml.XmlNode = config. [Read More]

Setting Control Focus in an Ajax Update Panel

I’ve decided to start posting the solutions I find in irritating little problems that take me forever to find. Some of these will probably be obvious, but hopefully it might save someone’s time. My current problem was that I had a DotNetNuke module that was sitting in a AJAX Update Panel. I needed to set the focus to a particular control based upon a post back click on a radio button. [Read More]

Amusing Quiz

Apparently, I only rate as a Slightly Dorky Nerd King via the Nerd 2.0 test.  Slightly disappointing . . .

NerdTests.com says I’m a Slightly Dorky Nerd King.  What are you?  Click here!

Web Standards in the Spotlight

Joel Sposky, in his usual highly amusing style, takes on the new IE 8 controversy and points out the enormous gulf between the standards world and the world the rest of us really work in. I often compare this difference to the difference between open-source and commercial software developers. There are those who say that it must be done the standard way and there are others that say it should be done to make it easy for the user. [Read More]

Arlo Supports Ron Paul

In the strange bedfellows department, folk-singer Arlo Guthrie has thrown his political hat to Ron Paul with this ringing endorsement: “I love this guy. Dr. Paul is the only candidate I know of who would have signed the Constitution of The United States had he been there. I’m with him, because he seems to be the only candidate who actually believes it has as much relevance today as it did a couple of hundred years ago. [Read More]

Library of Congress Photo Collection

The Library of Congress has started posting some of their enormous collection of over 1 million photographs to Flickr with the hope that you can give them the tags necessary to improve their catalog. It’s a pretty amazing first start. Of course, I’ve spend hours at their main site, The Prints and Photographs Reading Room, which is a truly amazing collection. It’s nice to see that these truly priceless gems are still getting views after all of these years. [Read More]