An Important Lesson

Before you have a coronary about gasoline prices, check out this chart from the very informative


Even at today’s peak, in terms of real dollars, gas is really not more expensive than it has in the past.  It will be ok, the world is not coming to an end . . .

Life Update

Well, it’s been a long while since I last put up one of these long winded life updates. Well, considering that I’m currently sitting in a giant cylindrical tube hurtling towards Los Angeles at improbable speeds, I figure I don’t have anything better to do. It’s been a hectic last few months. After almost five years at Advanced Academics, I have changed jobs. I think the simplest way to say it was that the stress finally got to me. [Read More]

RadicalWacko 4.0

Well, I toiled and toiled to make a completely personal design for the new RadicalWacko. It turns out that CSS is a pain with so many tricks, hacks and caveats that it makes me truly wonder about the value of table-less layouts. Take, for example, this “simple” explanation of the so called “Holy Grail Layout". It almost seems that tables aren’t such a bad thing after all. However, who am I to buck popular opinion? [Read More]

The Scope of Contract

There is an interesting case in Ohio working it’s way through the courts. An employee was fired by UPS when he was discovered to have a dissembled firearm in his car which was parked in a public parking lot shared by both employees and non-employees. The court has ruled that the company’s action was a violation of Ohio’s policy allowing citizens to bear arms. (You can read more details about the case at The Volokh Conspiracy. [Read More]