Funny Picture

Now this is a classic picture. The expression on the kids face as he works out the problem is just perfect. [Read More]

Only in America

Just to lighten up the mood on this blog a bit, here’s a picture that defines America’s ironic culture to a tee: [Read More]

New Gallery

I forgot to make a post about this, but I’ve posted a gallery of snapshots from my trip to New Orleans. Additionally, I am making preparations for a return of the Random Photo of the Day posts which will return starting June 1st. Until then, I hope these will hold you over. ;) [Read More]

Cool Shot

My mother got herself a new toy in a Nikon D70 Digital SLR camera and took this great shot I thought I would share with you. [Read More]

Williams is at it again.

Here’s an excellent piece from Walter E. Williams slamming these calls for the return of the draft in his usual amusing, dry and economic way: Last year, Sen. Fritz Hollings (D-S.C.) and Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) introduced bills calling for reinstatement of the military draft. A far more descriptive term for the military draft is government confiscation of labor services, but keeping with the spirit of euphemistic obfuscation, I’ll stick to the term draft. [Read More]

Mono Beta is Out

At long last and after much hoopla, Mono Beta 1 is out. I’m gonna try to play around with it this weekend on my ancient Linux box. Has anyone played around with it yet?

Mono Beta 1

OK, this is funny, well, for some of us . . .

Well, apparently those boys at Google couldn’t resist a delicious joke in their IPO filing: If you take a close look at the form Google filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the exact value of its planned offering is $2,718,281,828 dollars, which some would immediately recognize as the mathematical constant e. E, for those not blessed with a Ph.D. and a job at Google, is Euler’s number, which is used as the base for natural logarithms. [Read More]

Vacation at an End

Well, I guess it’s obvious that I survived New Orleans despite my lack of posting during my stay. Coherent thought is not one of the common experiences of the Big Easy and I thought my delirious ramblings might not be the best reflection of my intellect to my faithful readers. However, it is safe to say that a good time was had. We saw some great acts, drank more than necessary and ate fabulous meals. [Read More]

Another Fun Travel Day

I woke up early this morning, 6:30 to be precise, but I always have a hard time sleeping in hotel rooms. I made the unfortunate mistake of trying out Horst’s recommended continental breakfast which actually turned out to be left over WWII German Army rations. However, they say that military life builds discipline so I’m happy to say I muscled my way through. I hit the road right after breakfast and made my way down beautiful Highway 71. [Read More]