Random Picture of the Day - 11/13/2003

There was a very cold and misty night here in town last week. I happenened to be doing some late night work that evening and was inspired after the toil to go for a little photographic wandering through downtown. So the next twelve days will be a series of photographs from that wandering. A shot of the light of a stop light reflected against a wet brick sidewalk. Shot with my Canon S200. [Read More]


Sorry for the lack of a photo yesterday. I was in the middle of a very long day and when it was over I wasn’t much in the mood for posting. However, I’ve got the next two weeks of pictures ready to go.

[Listening to: A Sorta Fairytale - Tori Amos - Scarlet’s Walk (05:29)]

Random Picture of the Day - 11/12/2003

This is a shot of the canal that runs through the entertainment district in OKC called Bricktown. I’ve always found something disconcerting by how black water can look on a cloudy day. Shot with my Canon S200. [Read More]

On Being American . . .

I know it’s been more than a day since I made my proclamation that I was reentering the world of political discussion, but honestly it’s been hard to pick my subject after so long. However, I got my blood up last Wednesday and that’s usually all the impetuous I need but the writing took longer. But at long last here’s a little piece on what it means to be an American. [Read More]