Blog Downtime

The blog will be down intermitantly this evening starting around 5:30 PM while I release the new site design.

Halloween Costume

We had a company Halloween dress-up party today and I thought I should impart some pictures of the Radical Wacko performing general buffoonery. [Read More]

Random Picture of the Day - 11/01/2003

No artistic merit here. This is kind of an inside joke for my office. We play a very complicated game of indoor pig on a childs basketball goal. One of the many added rules states that who ever loses the game must wear this filthy Santa Claus hat during the next game. Unfortunately, Aaron was the guy in the barrel this day. Shot with my Canon S200. [Read More]

Web Cam Problems

There is some sort of problem with the web cam. My web server seems to be having a replication issue that prevents the images from being updated. It is exchanging images every 30 minutes or so, but I’m looking into it.

A silly video . . .

I was sick yesterday, so I only got to post the picture of the day. However, here is a very silly video of my friend Lisa, illuminated by a zippo . . . [Read More]