Yup Part Deux

Another video post . . .They say imitation it the best form of flattery. The Yup Video (Original Clip) has taken off as a whole new genre. Andy’s friend Alex has created another version of this classic clip: View Video via AndyShep.com.

[Listening to: Rush Limbaugh 11 - Premiere Radio Networks - (15:46)]

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

Rating: I rented this film (and I used the term loosely) because of some deep seated need for some mindless entertainment. However, the inanity of this monstrosity is too great to satisfy even that small need. The plot of this movie is really inconsequential, and I mean really inconsequential. Nominally, the story revolves around Lara Croft (Angelina Jolie) an Indiana Jones style archeologist and English nobility posing as a photojournalist. Her father (Jon Voight) died and left her a key to a secret triangle that unlocks the power to control time. [Read More]

New Movie Review

I know it’s been awhile since I posted on of these. I think I just needed an absolutely dreadful movie to get my dander up enough to write one. Well, Tomb Raider certainly lived up to that classification.

Full Review

Sizing and Mozilla Issues

I think I have corrected all of the issues that came up today. First, I have widened out the layout to take up the whole page to allow me to post my full size images without have to use thumbnails and popups which I didn’t really want to do. The site will only work in 1024X768 and up. All you 800X600 window people, get a better monitor/graphics card. I also think I have corrected all of the Mozilla/Netscape sytlesheet/JavaScript issues, but if I’ve missed any, please let me know. [Read More]

The Site is Up

Well, at long last the new site seems to be up. A few of you may have to wait longer for the propagation to complete, but from what I can tell, everything is running smoothly. Most the the site will look the same, however there are a few minor changes. First of all, I have heard several complaints about the amount of clicks necessary to move around the site. In that end, the galleries, writings and movie review sections have removed all paging from the listing of articles. [Read More]

Catagorized Blog

Well, it took me about four hours, but I’ve categorized all of my previous posts. Boy, I’m glad I did this conversion before there were too many posts to work with.