Day 10 (6/12/2012): Anadarko to Watonga (72 Miles)

Day 10 (6/12/2012): Anadarko to Watonga (72 Miles)
Today was the perfect day for everything to go wrong. Traditionally, the third day of Freewheel is Crazy Day where riders don the silliest costumes they can, if you don’t consider our normal spandex wear as silly. :) After two years of failed costume attempts, I had high hopes for this year. I was planning to cover my bike with pinwheels and go as an out of work wind farm with a cardboard sign reading, “Will generate for food. [Read More]

Day 9 (6/11/2012): Elgin to Anadarko (63 Miles)

Day 9 (6/11/2012): Elgin to Anadarko (63 Miles)
Today was much shorter and flatter than the previous day, but for some reason it was much more tiring. Maybe it was because it was a route that had been extended from about a 28 mile direct route out to a 63 mile scenic one. For some reason my transportation mind can’t always happily accept the long route. However, it was a nice ride through some rolling hills and some pretty sights. [Read More]

Oklahoma Freewheel 2012 Route Announced

Tonight in Tulsa, this year’s Oklahoma Freewheel route was announced and what an exciting route it looks like it will be. The route will start in the southwest quadrant of the state, and finish in the Northeast quadrant just across the border in Kansas. The ride will take place on June 9th through the 16th. Mileage pretty consistent but there are some long days, plus there are two bonus rides including a century ride and a ride to the top of Mount Scott. [Read More]