Progress Journal: Setting Baselines

Progress Journal: Setting Baselines
The nice thing about new journey is that you can set your own baselines. For the first day I got up early enough to take Heidi out for a walk. She is working on her manners and I’m working on loosening up my ankle. Neither makes for a rapid pace, but it does make for a pleasant walk through a pretty town. We took a nice stop at the Guthrie Scottish Rite Temple and another to see what silent film was playing at The Mini Melba Cinema at the crack of dawn. [Read More]

Progress Journal: Small Starts

Well, it’s September and now approaching my birthday. And of course, as a middle-aged man, I can predictably start getting those little pangs of anxiety at another year’s passing which lead many down the dark path of impulse sports car purchases or hair plugs. To be honest, I’m actually in a very good place in my life and have little to push me towards these darker parts of men’s hearts. I have a job that is rewarding, a loving family, a nice house and a relatively tolerable dog. [Read More]