Title: 12 Desperate Straight Lines
Artist: Telekinesis
Rating: 2 out of 5
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then 12 Desperate Straight Lines is surely a huge monument of devotion to other bands. I feel mixed on how to critique this album in so far that it’s actually a pretty darn catchy pop rock album with nice hooks and a light airy melodies that make you want to tap your feet.
However, if this album is any indication, then Telekinesis is severely lacking in their “own sound”. For almost every track, if I had heard it on a random play list without looking, I would have bet my eternal soul that I was listening to a new Phoenix song. And for the songs that didn’t sound like new Phoenix tracks, they sounded like covers of other big acts including The Cure on “Please Ask For Help” and Weezer on “50 Ways”.
That said, they are a tight band with good production values and well composed songs so I’m not sure what exactly to complain about. I guess to put it simply, if I wanted to hear some Phoenix songs, I think I would just go ahead and put in one of their many albums instead of picking a good style cover band.