RadicalWacko V3.0

Well, the new site is up and for the most part working. I know that I haven’t been updating the site much which is primarily due to an egregious oversight on my part. When I was transferring over to my new laptop, I inadvertently lost all of the source code and custom software for the last version of the site. Besides, the old site had a lot of quirks and was becoming increasingly hard to take care of. [Read More]

System Downtime

The site will be down intermittantly tonight as I release the new version of RadicalWacko.

A Brief Delay

I guess everyone has noticed the conspicuous lack of posting of the Random Picture of the Day. Since my vacation in January I have to admit that I haven’t been feeling the photo bug as much. However, I’m getting back into it now. However, rather than rushing around snapping and putting up sub-standard work, I’m going to take a brief break from posting. I hope to start posting again in April. [Read More]

New Gallery

I’ve posted the gallery of Random Pictures of the Day for January 2004. These consist entirely of pictures taken during my trip to Chicago over the new year. [Read More]

Blog Downtime

I’m about to being an upgrade of my blog engine. This may bring the blog down for awhile, sorry for the inconvenience.

RSS Feeds

BTW, I don’t know how many of my numerous adoring fans monitor this site via an RSS NewsReader. However, the link for the RSS feed has changed. Please replace your link with http://www.lostinok.com/index.xml.

Update Complete

Well that didn’t take nearly as long as I had anticipated. Still a few wrinkles to work out but all in all everything seems to be back to normal. I gave the site a slightly more “standard” blog look. The latest version of WordPress seems pretty nice but does seem to run a little slower than version 0.72. However, it’s nice to have this outstanding upgrade out of the way. Let me know what you think. [Read More]

I'm Not Dead . . .

I’ve gotten a couple of concerned IMs today wondering about the lack of a webcam. My port replicator has died which has left me without enough USB ports to support the webcam. I hope to have everything back up and running by tomorrow or the day after.

[Listening to: Clocks - Coldplay - A Rush Of Blood To The Head (05:08)]

Just Playing Around

Well I decided to do a little playing around with .NET this evening. You would not believe what a pain it is to connect .NET to a MySQL database. I finally found a nicely written .NET data provider for MySQL from a company called ByteFX. Anyway, now on any of non-blog pages of my site, you can see links to the last two blog posts on the right hand menu. Not too exciting, but kinda fun to build. [Read More]