The Death of Politics

I have been feeling alienated from my former passion for all things political for some time now. I have a stack of unread newspapers by my door and an even larger stack of unread emails from the various political bodies that solicit me for my support. Two recent conversations have led me to wonder why those newspapers gather dust and those emails to waste space in my hard drive. First, my friend Dylan (a. [Read More]


Well once again I come to explain the complete lack of posting to the site. Once again, it has been really busy in my life, but that’s not the entire truth of it. I’ve been giving some thoughts to blogging. So far this blog has been a rather reactive communication form. I hear something that gets my blood a boil and I respond with vitriol and venom. While temporarily satisfying, when I go back to re-read these diatribes I find them to be aggravatingly unsatisfying. [Read More]


This one was cute enough for posting . . . [Read More]


Well, it looks like they are going to try again. For the fourth time, an attempt is underway to adapt Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged for the screen. All I can say is good luck but I won’t hold my breath.

Full Story


My friend Andy Sheppard has been playing around in Photoshop and having way too much fun with some of the New Orleans’ snap shots. [Read More]


Well, I’m sure by now I’ve chased off all of my frequent readers by my complete lack of posting. However, at long last I am emerging from the project from hell. I’ve spent the last month doing that which I hate most . . . hacking. However, I guess it’s pretty much over now and after a couple of drinks I should be able to assuage my guilt. So, I hope that the readers will return and I will not to have to perform another vanishing act. [Read More]


Blogging in my Bathtub with a Bicycle Helmet On:

Well here’s a first. I knew that I had missed Oklahoma weather. A tornado heading in my direction and I’m hunkering down in my bathroom. This is getting interesting. More soon . . .


Well here it comes, this might get very interesting!!!!! Everyone has been ordered into their shelters. Here it comes!!!!!!!!!!


Well they’ve given us a bit more time. Say I’ve got till 10:25 PM. Ten minutes and counting. This is nerve racking.


Headed torwards Penn and Britton, about 3 blocks away from me!!!! This is suspenseful!