Sad news, Nina Simone is dead at the age of 70. We will miss your astounding talent.

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Well, sorry folks, but I’m too tired today to import any of my dubious wisdom to you. Spent all day debating whether politics and morality have any common ground with my parents, and well, I’m bushed. :)


I’ve posted a new photography gallery of various images. Let me know what you think.

Management Learning

Lesson Number 1: A crow was sitting on a tree, doing nothing all day. A small rabbit saw the crow, and asked him, “Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long?” The crow answered: “Sure, why not.” So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow, and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it. Management Learning: To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up. [Read More]


I’ve already tried this product, and it’s pretty neat. Think of it as Seti@Home II. The Looksmart search engine has released a screensaver called Grub that uses unused CPU cycles and network bandwidth to crawl the Web.

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Here is an amazing piece on the structure of Google. It states that Google’s hardware is made up of 54,000 servers made up of 100,000 processors and 261,000 hard drives. God, now there’s a set up for a Quake server. ;)

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Well, I finally should able to start getting you more frequent updates. I’ve spent most of this week working on setting up my new computer which rocks (Dell Inspiron 8500). [Read More]


Funny Quote of the Day: There is a bill making it’s way through the Oklahoma Legislature which would require computer technicians to report any child pornography they find or face a fine up to $500. However, Rep. Jim Wilson (D - Tahlequah) has his concerns whether these technicians could recognize child pornography. “This are nerds, folks – these people can’t even deal with sexuality. This is a bad, bad bill – we need to put this out of it’s misery. [Read More]


Well, my heartfelt apologize to the 2 fans out there. For the first time I missed a day of posting. All I can say is that it was for a very good reason. I, at long last, have a new computer that hopefully won’t suffer from a hardware failure four or five times a day. Additionally, while I get everything set up, the webcam will be offline. Trust me all will return to normal soon. [Read More]


My friend Steven Anderson wrote this short, but concise response to this idiotic article. I thought you might enjoy it: As an American I am tired of here all this anti American press about the war. I was against the war and I am still against it but it looks to me as if some of those people over there are happy we are there. Maybe I am just being brainwashed by the images I see on TV of Iraqi’s kissing the hands of American & British soilders, tearing down pictures and statues of Saddam while looting old Republic Guard stations, and beating uniformed soilder they beleive to be Fedienni (sp? [Read More]