Here’s a hell of a great quote from Brigadier-General John Kelley as reported in the Sydney Morning Herald:

“They stand, they fight, sometimes they run when we engage them, but often they run into our machine guns and we shoot them down like the morons they are.”


As you may have already noticed, my blogging has had to be severely curtailed due to a major project at work. As such, I will only be able to give a maximum of two updates a day. However, this may be good for all those who have sent hate mail complaining of my short snide comments. From here on out, it’ll be long snide comments, I promise.


Well, I am really sick and tiered of war news. My father suggested that maybe we ought to go back to the MovieTone News system for war wherein it has to be at least one week before any war footage will be shown in the U.S. I think I’m on board for this system. This is not to say that I’m not excited to hear the news of the progress of the war. [Read More]


Friendly Radical Wacko Information Alert:

Don’t forget to set your clocks forward one hour tonight.


Well, after taking some lessons from my friend Steve Griffin’s excellent website Delegate Technologies, I’ve redesigned the site so that it will re-size to the browser window. Let me know what you think.


An excellent letter from the Wall Street Journal (4/2/2003): A Consumer’s Right to Cheaper Goods If Mr. Jenkins does indeed reveal “an indifference to consumer welfare,” as Messrs. Simons and Kovacic claim, it is a perfectly valid point of view, as cold and unfeeling as it may sound. A democratic government has no business giving preference to one group of citizens (consumers) over another (business owners), and to use the coercive power of the state to benefit the former by restricting the property rights of the latter is morally reprehensible. [Read More]


Big geek news: C# is going to receive ISO standardization. Java better start re-thinking their isolationist world.

.net  C# 


It’s been a movie filled weekend. Here is one you cannot miss. Read my review of the astounding Roger Dodger!


Here’s a one liner I heard for all you Okies out there:

What do you call a Pallbearer at an Oklahoman’s funeral?













And another joke for all you beer drinkers: There was a beer convention a while back and after meetings all day the presidents of three large beer companies decided to go out for a drink. They settled in at the bar and the bartender asked them what they would like. The president of Budweiser said, “I’ll have a Bud, the King of Beers.” The president of Coors said, “I’ll have a Coors, the beer with Mile High [Read More]