#30DaysofBiking Day 4 - Here Comes the Sun

#30DaysofBiking Day 4 - Here Comes the Sun
Chain Cleaining Today was a day of changing cycling fortunes. After two days of soaking, cold rains, today was the first chance for me to dry out. This morning started off pretty cold, but without a falling rain, it was still a great improvement. That said, after the earlier cold, wet rides and a lack of sleep, I didn’t have any energy for the ride and I kind of drug myself into work. [Read More]

The End and New Beginning of OKC Bicyclist

The End and New Beginning of OKC Bicyclist
When I started OKC Bicyclist in 2008, on-line communities for Oklahoma City cyclists were pretty much non-existent. There were a few mailing lists, but there was no consistent source for area cycling news including both events and advocacy. Since then, much has changed both in the local cycling community and with the ways and means to collect and distribute news. We’ve seen both large advocacy groups such as the Oklahoma Bicycling Coalition and personal advocacy efforts such as Susan Lash’s All For the Love of Bikes dramatically expand their on-line outreach. [Read More]

#30DaysofBiking Day 3 - More Darn Rain

A Damp Return OK, today wasn’t a wonderful cycling day. The temps were lower, the rain was more intense and the novelty of riding in cold rain had worn off. Even my impervious gloves were drenched through by the time I got to work. Thankfully, I have improvised a little glove and balaclava dryer out of my desk fan: I had hoped that by the time I got of work, the rain would have relented a bit, but in fact in it had increased in intensity: [Read More]

#30DaysofBiking Day 2 - A Damp Day

#30DaysofBiking Day 2 - A Damp Day
It wasn’t a spectacular day for riding. Well, lets face it, it was dreadful riding weather. Temps in the mid-30s with a constant drizzle and rain and stiff winds. However, I was really glad I suited up in my rain gear and faced the elements, because in fact, the rides today were great. The most important thing to remember is that so long as you are pedaling, you are generally going to be warm. [Read More]

#30DaysOfBiking - Day 1: Getting a Little Car-Lite

#30DaysOfBiking - Day 1: Getting a Little Car-Lite
So a little over a week ago, we gained a new driver in our household in the most terrifying of forms, a 17-year-old adolescent. However, she hasn’t driven through anyone’s front doors nor driven into any area lakes, so I think she’s doing fine. Grace and I had talked about getting another car to keep the status quo, but in the end we really didn’t want another vehicle to maintain and pay for and after my car free experiment a couple of years ago, I think we made the right choice. [Read More]

Fusion Comfort Food

Fusion comfort food night with Rick Bayless' Salsa Mac and Cheese and Caribbean style Lime Chicken.

Fusion Comfort Food

Fusion comfort food night with Rick Bayless’ Salsa Mac and Cheese and Caribbean style Lime Chicken.