My Mom, Flickr User

My mother, who is a truly amazing photographer, has finally broken down and joined the Flickr craze.  She has already uploaded several amazing photos like this one:


You can see the rest of her photos here.

The Redneck Roller Coaster

OK, this borders on the truly insane, and yeah, I kind of want one:

Real all about it here.  There are a bunch of other videos over at YouTube.

Today's Marijuana is like Cocaine

Rep. Mark Souder R-Ind. makes the assertion on the Tucker Carlson program that not only is today’s marijuana like cocaine, but that thousands of people have died from marijuana and that 65% of emergency drug abuse admissions at hospitals are due to marijuana.  Who knew?

See the video here.

Wigg'n Out

But I’m a creep I’m a weirdo What the hell am I doing here? I don’t belong here… So I turned 30. Well, they say that 50 is the new 30, and that 40 is the new 20. So I guess that 30 is the new 10. This explains my dating life to a tee. To be perfectly honest, adulthood really hasn’t hit me. At 30 you should feel like you are a full fledged adult with real expectations and responsibilities. [Read More]

Weekend Construction Update

Well it’s been a fun weekend spent working on Radical Wacko. I’ve been wanting to be a bit more active on the site for awhile now, but technology was holding me back. After a couple of years of tinkering, hacking and patching, the site had become an almost unmaintainable mess. Even my WordPress installation had started giving me trouble with unexpected plugin errors. I was scared of making the simplest of updates on the fear that the thing might finally just break down completely. [Read More]

Site Downtime

The site will be going down this weekend for a complete redesign.  I’ll post again when the upgrade is complete.

I Made it on to Explore!

I don’t know how I missed this, but for the first time since I’ve been on Flickr, I finally had a picture make it to the explore section!  I know it’s only on page 35, but for me it’s a big achievement.  Plus I really like the photo.  Here’s the winning entry:

Snowy Hydrant

Peace Through Bribes

Well, I actually sat through the President’s speech tonight. I didn’t find much interesting in the speech due to the constant leaks of the details. There were no changes in the rules of engagement, no direct strategies to demoralize the enemy, etc. However, one thing really caught my ear: To establish its authority, the Iraqi government plans to take responsibility for security in all of Iraq’s provinces by November. To give every Iraqi citizen a stake in the country’s economy, Iraq will pass legislation to share oil revenues among all Iraqis. [Read More]

The Chipmunks Uncovered

This will crush the last remnants of Christmas Spirit out of you:

Thanks to Andy.