The Pernicious Paternalism of the Press

Oh, this one just got my goat. William Rasberry in the Washington Post has published one of the most patronizing articles I’ve ever seen concerning the explosion of political authorship on the web. Here’s just one little excerpt: What has changed in the years since Gennifer Flowers, says Rieder, is that a handful of national newspapers no longer can operate as journalistic gatekeepers – effectively blocking stories that are unverified or unverifiable and driven by people whose political motivations are plain to see. [Read More]

Comment Moderation

Well, I have received almost 25 entries of comment spam today. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to deal with cleaning out these entries. So I’m sorry to regret that until further notice, comment moderation has been turned on for all comments on the site. Sorry, I hate to do this but they’ve left me no choice.

Outsourcing Article

A great Objectivist take on outsourcing that reminds us that those who seek safety are the enemy of those who seek freedom: A free society requires and rewards individuals who are active-minded, forward-looking, keen to better themselves. A society moving towards state control of the economy requires and rewards individuals who want tranquility, passivity, lethargy. In the debate about the legitimacy of “outsourcing” white-collar jobs to foreign countries, you must decide on which side you stand. [Read More]

I'm Still Here

Dominique I know it’s been a really long time. I’ve been in another one of my Nathan reinvention phases. It really comes down to pretending to be an adult. It’s strange, I’ve never felt like an adult but I seem to be attempting to be one. My first step is finished, my first new car has arrived. It’s an unbelievable machine and a blast to drive. It almost makes me feel like a kid. [Read More]

Strong Leadership

There is nothing that inspires more confident than a pair of candidates who make sure not to take stand. ambivalence is really the way to the American heart. For example, check out the absent senators on the vote to shelve the Federal Marriage Amendment.

[Listening to: The Fifth Element - Columbia Pictures - (02:06:03)]
Mini Cooper Status: IT’S HERE!!!!!