On Being American

I was listening to Michael Savage on the radio the other night. I know it’s poor mental hygiene to indulge in such vices, but it’s all that was on the small talk radio circuit down here. For those of you who don’t know, Michael Savage is a self-avowed nationalist who hosts a nationally syndicated talk show called the Savage Nation. That night he defined a country as a border, language and culture. [Read More]

I'm back . . .

It is rare that I am filled with the courage to post a retraction to one of my passionate statements. I know that this one will provide a great amount of hay for many of my readers; my friends Steve and Jim especially. However, to put it succinctly, I was overreaching in my ban on talk of politics. I’ve missed my ability to post. There have been real issues I would have liked to comment on that I have been unable to due to my self imposed ban. [Read More]

Mac Issues

I noticed some problems with RadicalWacko and Macintosh IE browsers this afternoon. I’m not going to be able to get to them till this weekend, but I wanted to let you know that I am aware of them and I’ll work them out ASAP.

New Sites Everywhere

Looks like something is in the air that makes people want to revamp their sites. Cyberhobo has a brand new look as well.

RadicalWacko V2.0

I’m glad to report that RadicalWacko V 2.0 is finally complete. While I had been really happy with the old layout, it was reaching some limitations in it’s flexibility. So I once again utilized the incomparable Andy Sheppard for a new design. You’ll notice a new color scheme and layout plan. I have also started using more thumbnail images to be nice to you poor dial-up users out there. Please let me know what you think; I’d be interested in your thoughts. [Read More]