A long day . . .

Well, the Johnny Cash memorial was a blast and by blast I mean I didn’t get home till six in the morning. Good times had by all. Consequently, I slept until noon when I was awakened and quickly summoned to the State Fair. I have to say that I was more than a little disappointed. I remember the fair from my childhood as a dark and seedy place where things were slightly surreal and very spooky. [Read More]

Another Year Gone By

Well, yesterday was my birthday and I certainly feel much older but that might just be the hangover. Overall, it’s been a good year though filled with many challenges. This was my first full year in Oklahoma after fleeing from Chicago with debtors chasing me all the way. Initially I thought that Oklahoma would not be a place for me to live happily, but really the old line about “anywhere you lay your hat is home” holds true. [Read More]

Isabel Picture

An amazing uncredited picture reportedly of Hurricane Isabel from sea . . . [Read More]

Random Picture of the Day - 09/19/2003

This is a picture of my old friend Scott in the process of telling an involved and very dramatic joke. The light leak on the edges and top initially annoyed me (I didn’t have this roll developed for about 3 years) but I’m starting to think it adds to its surreal nature. Shot with my Olympus OM-1. Shot on Tri-X. [Read More]

Strindberg and Helium

Apparently my favorite bizarre site changed their domain so here is an updated link . . .

Strindberg and Helium

[Listening to: Basin Street Blues - Benny Goodman and his Orchestra - Sing, Sing, Sing (02:56)]