Day 8 (6/10/2012): Frederick to Elgin (73 Miles)

Day 8 (6/10/2012): Frederick to Elgin (73 Miles)
Up really early to drive back to Frederick one last time before heading back out towards Elgin. It started out nice and flat with a great tailwind, but we all knew that once we got into the Wichita Mountains, things would get tougher. However, the ride in was beautiful with the prairie, wild flowers and the mountains all around. On the Road In some ways joining the group for the ride is nice for the company and support, but in some ways I miss the independence I felt out on my own. [Read More]

Day 5 (6/7/2012): Quartz Mountain to Great Plains State Park (43 miles)

Woke up to a grey, crisp morning eager to get on the road. After a nice oatmeal breakfast, I hit the road. It misted all morning, but it never really rained on me and with the temperatures under 70 degrees I made really good time without any worry of overheating. After a few hills coming out of the mountains, the land really opened up back into flat farm land and not much else. [Read More]

Day 6 (6/8/2012): Great Plains State Park to Frederick (27 miles)

I woke up to a beautiful dawn over the lake and enjoyed a great breakfast of oatmeal and tea. I left the camp refreshed for the very short and very flat ride into Frederick. With almost no wind, I covered the distance in a couple of hours and arrived in Frederick before 10 AM. It was obvious that the rumors about the effort Frederick had made in anticipation of Freewheel were true. [Read More]

Day 3 (6/5/2012): Foss Lake to Quartz Mountain (44 miles)

I got a really early start this morning. My mother drove us into Elk City for a fast food breakfast and then she gave me a bit of a head start by getting me through some busy highway driving first. But now it was time to see if I could really make this happen. Well, it was like Sunday had never happened. My legs felt great and I started eating into the miles. [Read More]

Day 4 (6/6/2012): Rest Day

Today was my first scheduled day off, and I wasn’t going to pass up the chance to be extremely lazy. Woke up to a beautiful sunrise and had some nice oatmeal for breakfast. Then, I went back to bed.:) I repeated this system of getting up, eating a bit and going back to sleep for most of the day. Which is about the perfect way to spend a vacation day. [Read More]