Project 365 - Day 156: Headless Model

Another picture without a real story behind it, except that I have always found the headless models for clothing really, really, really creepy. I think I watched too many Dr. Who episodes. I guess I should also comment on my long absence from posting photos. It was surprising, but I really hit the doldrums on this project all at once. I have been really struggling to keep up my motivation for the project. [Read More]

Project 365 - Day 157: Shiny and New

Day 157: Shiny and New

I foolishly left my chain on my bike for way way way too many miles and I wore out my freewheel. However, that gave my bicycle a chance for one day, and one day only, to be this shiny and clean.

Project 365 - Day 158: Still Waters

Day 158: Still Waters

It’s views like this that really make me love my commute. A still morning like this just makes the rest of the day a more peaceful expirience.

Project 365 - Day 154: Joe

Day 154: Joe

It was Mark’s 60th birthday party, which was a great chance to see family who haven’t been in town in quite some time including Mark’s brother Joe.

Metro Cyclists Participate in Awareness Ride

I had really hoped to make it to last night’s Piedmont Cyclist Awareness Ride but the constraints of work just didn’t make it possible. Thankfully, dozens of other cyclists showed up to raise awareness of cyclists on our roads and to pay tribute to Gary Caldwell and Eric Johnson who were injured on this same road last week. The Piedmont-Surrey Gazette, which has followed the story closely, put together this video piece on the event: [Read More]

ODOT Seeks Community Input on Yukon Highway Widening

On this Thursday (3/15/2012), the Oklahoma Department of Transportation will be seeking community input on their plans to widen Highway 4 north of Yukon out to Northwest Expressway. From the emails I’ve seen going around on the subject, the new road will be four lanes wide with 8 foot shoulders. Cyclists are encouraged to attend this meeting to encourage ODOT to paint a cycle path along with wide shoulder. The meeting will take place at 6:00 PM at the Yukon Police Community Room at 100 S. [Read More]

Mick Cornett Asks House To Support Walking/Bicycling Funding

[caption id=“attachment_1204” align=“alignright” width=“200” caption=“OKC Mayor Mick Cornett”][/caption] Mick Cornett, Republican Mayor of Oklahoma City along with Eugene A. Conti, Jr., Secretary of Transportation, N.C. and Steve Heminger, Exec. Dir., Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Commission have written an editorial in The Hill urging the House to reconsider many of the controversial measures in the current transportation bill including the removal of funding for both walking and bicycling initiatives. After thanking the House for restoring funding to public transportation and asking for an effective bridge repair plan, the editorial goes on to ask the House to restore both Safe Routes to School and Transportation Enhancement funding: [Read More]

Edmond Holds Bicycle Master Plan Open House

Sorry for the short notice, but I missed this one somehow. However, tonight (March 8th) , the City of Edmond will kick off its bicycle master plan development process with an open house: City of Edmond invites you to participate in the Bicycle Master Plan Open House from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Thursday, March 8 in the Downtown Community Center. The Bicycle Master Plan will identify a network of connected bicycle facilities that will serve all areas of the city. [Read More]