Project 365 - Day 2: Zeppelins Over Mars

The martian landscape of Lake Hefner continues to provide photographic opportunities. Today, I caught the world’s largest zeppelin, The Farmers Airship, taking a lap around the lake. The airship is on a cross-country tour with a day stop off here in the city before heading off to Texas. You can get more details here. The scissor-tailed flycatcher ground art in the foreground is a project of the architecture firm upstairs from us, Rees Associates. [Read More]

New Galleries

So I am so far behind on my photos it hurts, but it is a hobby I am interested in getting back into in a major way, so expect to see more soon.  In any case, below are some shots from the Walkmen/Fleet Foxes show from last night and from a trip to the grocery store today.

[gallery link=“file” columns=“4”]

Project 365 - Day 1: A New Year, A New Project

So today is my 35th birthday and it’s on one’s birthday that you start seeking new projects. I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with this site for quite some time. I’m still thoroughly bored with politics and I’m not really any the mood to rant about much else these days. The only thing I’ve missed lately is photography so I’ve decided to take on my own personal Project 365 and figured this site is the best place to host it. [Read More]

Nik Snapseed

OK, I have to admit it, for a long time, Hipstamatic really annoyed me. I think it was because I first learned photography several years before digital photography came into its own and as such, I learned how to do things the hard way. The effects that Hipstamatic and similar pieces of software produce used to take hours in the darkroom and as such, I felt it was cheating. I remember working for hours on creating and painting custom emulsions, doing large-scale negative to negative enlargements for special contact print effects and dozens of other labor intensive processes to achieve effects that can now be done in minutes. [Read More]

Car Free OKC: Recap

So today was my first day back to driving. I drove primarily just for the contrast and to mark and end to the experiment. Boy, was the irony suddenly laid on thick. I climbed in my car, turned the key and nothing happened, just a clicking noise as the starter motor tried to turn over. My battery had died. I had to get a neighbor to come over and give me a jump-start. [Read More]

Car Free OKC: On Feeling Vulnerable

[flickr id=“1326490541” thumbnail=“medium” overlay=“true” size=“medium_640” group="" align=“none”] So I started the day furious and frustrated. The car free experiment for this month fell apart today and it fell apart for completely unnecessary reasons. When I left work last night, I found that both of my tires were deflated. I assumed this was some moron’s idea of a “harmless” prank. I filled the tires and successfully made my way home. However, this morning as I prepared to head to work, I found both tires flat again which means that this pathetic excuse for a human being actually punctured both tires with something that created a slow leak, probably a thumb tack. [Read More]

Car Free OKC: Grocery Shopping

When I lived in Chicago, grocery shopping was never really an issue. For example, at my last apartment, my grocery story was literally 25 yards away from my back door. Thanks to the re-opening of my local grocery store by El Mariachi, this is still true for me. However, this isn’t the situation for most people in OKC and there are times when I need to get stuff that my local store doesn’t carry, so I thought it would be great to talk about grocery shopping by bicycle. [Read More]

Oklahoma Bike Summit

The Oklahoma Bicycle Coalition is putting together the first annual Oklahoma Bike Summit on November 4th and 5th at the Chesapeake Boathouse. This event is the first of its kind in Oklahoma and will feature a variety of speakers and sessions. From the event registration page: Friday, November 4th John LaPlante will lead a day-long bicycle facility design workshop. Mr. LaPlante is currently Director of Traffic Engineering for T.Y. Lin International. [Read More]

Late Post: Oklahoma City Approves Bicycle Ordinance Changes

Someone asked me about this the other day and I realized that in my earlier absence from the blog I had forgotten to post about it. The previously mentioned ordinance changes being considered by the Oklahoma City Council were passed on May 24th during the normal meeting. The highlights of the proposed changes are as follows: The proposal would allow cyclists to have full use of the lane on any road designated as a bicycle route. [Read More]