Car Free OKC: Shower Alternatives

[flickr id=“3190266051” thumbnail=“medium” overlay=“true” size=“medium_640” group="" align=“none”] I’m often asked by non-cyclists about how I clean up after my daily commute. After looking over the comments from my recent post about the contents of my commuter bag, this subject is of great interest to cyclists as well. Up until just a few months I had the best possible option, an actual shower. I’ve now tried a number of products and as you might expect, nothing lives up to the real thing. [Read More]

Car Free OKC: Rain? Don't Sweat It!

Though many of us believed that it would never happen again, over the last couple of weeks we’ve seen some decent rain storms make their way through the city. Not nearly enough to make up for the drought, but it is a start. Normally, I must admit, I am a complete wimp when it comes to riding in the rain. I will usually avoid it at all costs. Which is funny because I don’t have any particularly bad experiences, but it just doesn’t strike me as the thing to do. [Read More]

Car Free OKC: Week 1 & 2 Recap

I was planning on writing a recap of my car free in Oklahoma City experiment every week, but last week was extremely busy so a two-week summary will have to do. To be perfectly honest, this makes it easier because it has really been an uneventful transition to being car free. I had planned on feeling some sort of anxiety or experiencing some real difficulties, but really it has been smooth sailing. [Read More]

NewsOK Features Spin Your Wheels 2011

NewsOK has put together a really nice video story about this Saturday’s Spin Your Wheels ride which raises money for The Children’s Center. The piece features my personal friend and great riding companion Amy Petty, who should probably be their permanent PR person for the ride: I will be out there this year attempting my first century in many, many years. I would love to meet any readers who are also joining. [Read More]

Bike Share Comes to Oklahoma City

After being rumored for awhile, Oklahoma City is officially announcing their plans to implement a bike share program here in the city hopefully starting this fall: A bike share program like those embraced in other cities will be started later this year in downtown Oklahoma City. Such programs have “stations” where bicycles are checked in and out with a deposit placed on one’s credit card. A nominal charge is sometimes paid for use of the bicycles; final details of the downtown arrangements are pending negotiation of a vendor contract. [Read More]

Car Free OKC: Commuting Bag

So far in my little experiment, I’ve really only been bicycling between home and work, which isn’t really a big change for me except that it’s my only option now. However, because I’m now completely reliant on the bicycle to get me around, I have been attempting to make myself absolutely prepared for as many problems as possible. I’m glad I did, since yesterday I had a nasty multiple puncture flat which thanks to equipment and planning was easily handled. [Read More]

Car Free in OKC

[caption id="" align=“alignright” width=“281” caption=“Photo By: Pioneer Library System”][/caption] For the past year, I have participated in a few 30 Days of Biking events. I truly love participating in these events and it reminds me of how much I love cycling. Lately, I have thought about my days in Chicago. My bicycle was my only means of transportation and it was incredibly liberating. I began to wonder how that experience would work in Oklahoma City, where car is king. [Read More]

Velomobiles Come to Oklahoma City

There is now one known velomobile gracing Oklahoma City.  News9 put together a story last night about the custom-built machine of Frans van der Merwe who uses the machine to commute back and forth to Guthrie (which is at least a 25 mile ride each way).  According to the story, he averages about 25-30 mph on his rides which really makes me jealous.  See the whole piece below: