Finally Some Sense

After millions of deaths, it’s finally great to see some sense returning to the world. The world’s greatest and safest insecticide has finally been cleared to return to saving lives: The U.N. World Health Organization (WHO) reversed 30 years of policy yesterday, giving DDT a “clean bill of health” for controlling malaria, and it asked environmental groups to support limited use of the insecticide to save the lives of African babies. [Read More]

State Fair Visit

I decided I needed a little time out of the house.  It’s been quite a few years, but I decided to check out the State Fair of Oklahoma.  Now I’m at home with a nice belly ache.  Apparently gyros and funnel cake don’t mix.  In any case, I snapped a few pictures while wandering around:

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Tips for Getting the Most from Your IT Department

I usually don’t post forwarded emails here, but this one was just a bit too accurate not to share: When you call us to have your computer moved, be sure to leave it buried under half a ton of postcards, baby pictures, stuffed animals, dried flowers, bowling trophies, and children’s art. We don’t have a life and we find it deeply moving to catch a fleeting glimpse of yours. Don’t Write anything down. [Read More]

Veiled Threat A Disgrace

Up till now, I’ve viewed the debate about the recent 9/11 docudrama (what ever the hell that means) “The Path to 9/11” with great amusement. I found it funny that the right wing now stood in defense of the mini-series when not three years ago they were up in arms about the broadcast of another silly mini-series about Ronald Reagan. I thought it just another futile political infight about the portrayals of national leaders in entertainment television. [Read More]

Sports Victories Increase Generator Capacity

I’m an ocasional reader of the Korean Central News Agency of DPRK (KCNA) which is the external propaganda wing of North Korea. It’s a priceless resource for the study of the silliness of political propaganda. One of my favorites recently was an article in which a North Korean woman’s soccer victory was responsible for the increase in the country’s electrical output: Ri Chol Su, a worker of the Pyongyang Thermal Power Complex, said: “I was greatly excited to hear the news that our girls won the world championship. [Read More]

Chicago Loses Big Shoulders

What’s going on Chicagoans? Have you lost as sense of manly honor? First you ban a food that no one eats, Foie Gras. But that one made a bit of sense. I’m sure that all waterfowl in the city of Chicago are registered Democrats and you have to look out for your constituents. But then I find this quote in an article about the name change of Marshall Field’s to Macy’s: [Read More]

More Bruce Campbell Shakespeare

The Sheppard’s on a rampage. Now we’ve got Bruce Campbell playing Brutus:

Brutus: I got news for you, pal. You ain’t leading but two things right now: Jack and Shit. And, Jack left town. –(Brutus stabs Cesar) Cesar: “Et tu, Brute?” Brutus: “Oooh, that’s gotta hurt! Hail to the king, baby” Cesar: “Klaatu verrata nectu arrrgh”

Surreal Thought of the Day

Sam Raimi rewriting and directing his rendition of Hamlet with Bruce Campbell as Hamlet: To be groovy or not to be groovy, That is the question baby. Whether ’tis groovier in the mind to suffer the boomsticks and arrows of outrageous fortune, baby Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them? baby. Oh yeah and remember shop smart. . . shop S-mart Via the brilliant Andy Sheppard. [Read More]

Back Home

So, I finally made it to Monticello. It is a truly amazing house that is quite stunning and certainly much more tasteful than the other mansion I visited. It is always odd to ponder the contradictions of this great man, and his house is no exception. It is a strange thing to think that a man who gave such an eloquent defense of liberty in the Declaration of Independence and even argued for the abolition of slavery in the colonies should have excavations of slave cabins on his land. [Read More]

Weather is Beautiful, Wish You Were Here

Well, I’ve been out of cell phone coverage for a few days now and have just been too busy soaking up the rays and enjoying good friends to post, but I’m back on the road now and getting back to business. Well, I made my rapid trip back to Oklahoma City. It was a bit surreal to fly into your hometown as a stopping off point instead of as a destination. [Read More]