New Google

Even though everyone else and their dog is posting on this, I though I would pass it along for those who are living in a whole. Google has a new beta version of their search interface available called Google Suggest. It’s pretty incredible; allowing you to see what kind of results you can expect from your search string before you’ve even search. God, would I love to see the hardware/software setup on this one. [Read More]

Illegal Immigration Endangers Environment

OK, this one was just kinda funny so I though I would pass it along. I was listening to C-Span radio with my new satellite radio at lunch and overheard a rebroadcast of a press conference given by James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis) regarding immigration policy. One of his major points was his desire to see the border fence between California and Mexico completed. Pretty standard stuff overall. However, he makes what I have to consider as the funniest reason to prevent illegal immigration: [Read More]

A Site Thank You

As you may have noticed, I’ve released a correction to the background image so that the prominent repeat lines are no longer visible. Thanks to Andy Sheppard for the fix, though I have to say the simplicity of the fix makes me feel real stupid. (See Previous Post)

Thoughts on Requirements Development

First of I should apologize for the rambling nature of today’s posts. I just finished up a four hour requirements development meeting which has turned my brain into the consistency of tapioca pudding. The new project that I’m working on is a massive undertaking and we are working our way through a very short but incredibly massive requirements development phase. One of the issues I’m trying to grapple with is the difference a complex system and a flexible system. [Read More]

The Big Catch-up Post

Well, it’s been a long time coming, but here’s the big life update for the Radical Wacko. The rigors of work and my little side project Tom Waits for No Man have kinda left this site high and dry. Well, work is still whooping up on me, but I’ve killed the Tom Waits site so I at least have a few minutes to dedicate to this site. So, what have I been up to? [Read More]

For all you Joel Spolsky Fans . . .

For fans of tech blogger Joel Spolsky and his website, he is doing a net seminar with Software Development Magazine Thursday at 2:00 PM ET. He will be joined by three other speakers speaking on a variety of subjects. According to his website, Joel will be giving “a scintillating 24 minute presentation by me about social software, squeezed down to fit in 20 minutes, which will involve talking really really fast and leaving many proofs as exercises to the reader. [Read More]

Having Too Much Fun

Here’s a great little story about some aviators having way too much fun with some pumpkins:

The fine art of pumpkin bombing.

[Via Hit and Run]

There’s also a video of the B-25 Pumpkin Bomber that you can get here.

[Listening to: Glenn Beck 1 - Premiere Radio Networks (19:39)]

RadicalWacko V3.0

Well, the new site is up and for the most part working. I know that I haven’t been updating the site much which is primarily due to an egregious oversight on my part. When I was transferring over to my new laptop, I inadvertently lost all of the source code and custom software for the last version of the site. Besides, the old site had a lot of quirks and was becoming increasingly hard to take care of. [Read More]

System Downtime

The site will be down intermittantly tonight as I release the new version of RadicalWacko.

The Onion Takes on Libertarians

Hey, at least one major new outlet has decided to at least mention that the Libertarian Party still exists. From this week’s edition of The Onion:

You might think it’s funny, but it’s disrespectful to submit write-in candidates like “Don Knotts,” “Mickey Mouse,” or “Michael Badnarik.”
