Vacation at last . . .

Ah, vacation at last. It’s shocking how much work it takes to go on vacation. I’ve been frantically trying to tie up loose ends during this last week just for preparation for this short junket. Then when I get back, I’ll have a stack of other stuff to go through. Almost makes you wonder if taking these rounds of relaxation is more or less stressful than not taking them. Not really of course, but I do love to complain. [Read More]

I'm alive, I promise

Ok, Ok, I’m sorry, what else can I say? It seems that my readership is on the verge of revolt. Well, I might be exaggerating a bit, but my lack of posting seems to have raised the ire of some of you out there. Unfortunately, I don’t have all that much to say. I spent all last week doing interviews for the two positions I have open right now. This meant a lot of late nights in order to get my regular work done. [Read More]

Important Essay

Another great funny for all of you geeks out there. We’ve all read the hundreds of essays on how to write good code, engineer robust systems, etc. Well here is one from the opposite perspective: How To Write Unmaintainable Code

[Listening to: Phonograph Blues - Robert Johnson - The Complete Recordings (02:39)]

Cool Photography Site

Just found this site called TrekEarth. It’s sort of an ongoing photography contest for travel photographers. Really nice stuff and a good format. And for all of those big copyright people like me, they let you retain your ownership. You can see my first posting here.

Wordpress GeoTag Hack

This is a little technical post for all of you geeks out there. I’ve really appreciated some of the features of the WordPress blog engine. One of the really unique features is the ability to attach latitude and longitude information to a particular post and for it to display a link to one of the various mapping sites out there. However, I also really appreciate the various blog posting clients (Azure, wBloggar, Zempt) for creating and editing my posts. [Read More]

Life Update

What a week! It hasn’t been my best but I’m fighting through. We are way past “thin” in my department so I am now on a frantic hiring frenzy to fill our vacant posts. The economy must be improving because finding qualified local candidates is becoming extremely difficult. That or they are moving out of state faster than I can find them. We’ll find the right people, but I may have pulled out my hair before then. [Read More]

Another Little Rambling

I guess it’s time for a personal update though there isn’t all that much to report. Work has been keeping me a little bit busier than usual, but hey, if I wasn’t working I would have to figure out something else to do. Besides, keeping busy has been instrumental in helping me through the nicotine withdrawal. I have to admit that it has been much easier this time than any time in the past. [Read More]